“Nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people."
– Mark Twain
The Journey Begins: The Wayfaring Band's Path to Disability Justice
In 2012, a bold question emerged: How can adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) build meaningful lives, form real friendships, advocate for themselves, and experience the independence they deserve? This led to the creation of The Wayfaring Band, a nonprofit with a simple yet powerful mission: to offer adults with I/DD the opportunity to explore the world as participants and as empowered adventurers. The organization was founded on the belief that travel has transformative power, especially when shared with peers. For our founders, travel had been a life-changing experience that fostered confidence, challenged fears, and built lifelong connections. They saw no reason why adults with I/DD shouldn’t have the same chance to broaden their horizons, discover new perspectives, and develop the life skills essential for thriving in a complex world.
The Wayfaring Band’s inaugural journey—a road trip through the rugged landscapes of southwest Colorado—set the stage for an extraordinary movement. The trip wasn’t just about seeing new places but about discovering new possibilities. It was about fostering independence, building relationships, and learning to navigate the world confidently. And it worked. The success of that first trip proved that with the right support, adults with I/DD could do far more than they or society had imagined.
In the following years, The Wayfaring Band grew from a small, passionate idea into a thriving, impactful organization dedicated to breaking barriers and changing lives. Recognizing that creating lasting change means addressing the broader social issues that affect the I/DD community, TWB has expanded its focus beyond travel to embrace a more holistic vision of community-building and anti-ableist activism. With the launch of Everybody In, a training program led by the Wayfaring Band to support the community in cultivating cultural change for an ecosystem of broader disability justice, TWB has expanded its focus beyond travel to embrace a more holistic vision of community-building and anti-ableist activism.
The Wayfaring Band has grown to be more than a nonprofit. It’s a movement that believes in the infinite potential of every individual. It reimagines what’s possible when we empower people with I/DD to take ownership of their lives, find their voice, and walk boldly into the world. It’s about seeing beyond limitations and focusing on what’s possible with friendship, adventure, growth, and the undeniable truth that everyone deserves a chance to experience the richness of life.
On behalf of everyone at The Wayfaring Band, we offer heartfelt thanks to our Founders, Chris Ardelt, Jane (Moore) Houghton, Andrea Moore, and Pavel Reppo, and to our incredible supporters whose passion and commitment are lighting the way for individuals with I/DD.