Leadership and life skills through travel for people with and without disabilities.




A working artist attends each tour with the band as part of a revolving artist-in-residence program. During the trip, each artist participates fully in the leadership curriculum alongside the leadership fellows and acts as a peer to band members with disabilities.

The artist-in-residence joins each tour on full scholarship. In exchange, we ask the artist to provide us with an ode to our adventure in the medium of their choice within 90 days of returning from the trip.

For more information on the Artist-in-Residence Program, please email drew@thewayfaringband.com


Watch our video to learn more:


Former artists-in-residence have created original music, short films, stories, poems, performances, sculptures, and other remarkable creative reflections of our adventures. Check out the gallery of artist odes!



Frequently Asked Questions


Are you a band? +

Although we like to rock, we are not a rock-and-roll or a musical band. We are a wayfaring band, which means we are a group of people who travel together.

We are inspired by the bands of foot-travelers of days gone by. People used to band together to make journeys over land, and they did this for safety, companionship, and to achieve a shared goal. Life on the road was precarious, and the success of the venture depended on everyone’s full participation. A tour with The Wayfaring Band works the same way. When we band together, we achieve unparalleled adventures.

Why do you have an artist-in-residence? +

We include artists on our adventures because throughout history, artists have been at the forefront of social change. Through their work, they help individuals and communities understand, appreciate, and challenge their own nature. Artists of every medium are storytellers, and The Wayfaring Band invites artists to help tell our stories so our adventures can be accessible to more than just our members.

We ask the artist to create an “ode” to our adventure because odes are designed to celebrate or praise an object of inspiration. This approach fosters a positive, creative, and fun environment that benefits the whole band.

Will I be a “helper” for people with disabilities? +

Artists join our trips as if they are paying clients, not as helpers or volunteers. We do not have any volunteer or “helper” positions when we travel because the helping model discourages interdependence and creates dangerous hierarchies. Helpers can get an inflated sense of their own importance and fail to address their own needs. Similarly, people who receive help become undervalued in society and may fail to realize their own capacity. The truth is that all people have special needs and all people have special gifts.

We do lean on our artists to help model personal safety and to act as buddies to our travelers with disabilities, but our buddy system is a two-way street. We expect artists to reveal their special needs and ask for help as well, empowering other members of the band to share their special gifts.

Do I need experience with the disability community in order to participate? +

It is not necessary for our artist-in-residence to have any experience connecting with people who have disabilities. The only requirement is a willingness to learn and grow. We seek artists who are empathetic, patient, and open to new ideas. Come as you are!

How much does it cost? +

The artist-in-residence joins the band on full scholarship. In exchange, the artist commits to delivering an ode to our adventure within 90 days of their experience. If the artist fails to deliver an ode, they will be responsible for reimbursing The Wayfaring Band for the full cost of the trip.

How do I sign up? +

At present, our artist-in-residence application is closed for the 2023 travel season. We will be accepting applications for the 2024 season in the fall.

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