Leadership and life skills through travel for people with and without disabilities.

Elle Naef

Elle Naef

San Juan Tour

February 2023

Elle is a Denver-based creative dabbler; producer, writer, and music curator. As soon as she was invited on the Wayfaring Band’s trip to Puerto Rico, she knew she was in for the adventure of a lifetime.

Elle’s collages display two elements of the trip she felt and observed. She noticed that for some, herself included, it was sometimes hard to be fully present and overcome an active mind. One collage represents the mixture of magic and confusion some people experience in their day-day, even when all seems well on the outside. It also touches on the fact that disabilities are very relevant, even if they’re not noticeable to the naked eye.

An even bigger realization for her was how even the buzzing of one’s mind can be turned into a peaceful moment. With supportive community, some nature, and ways to prove one’s own strength to themselves, the chaos of the mind can become a wonderland of adventure. The smaller collage represents this realization and the worlds this seemed to have opened up for band members.

Elle (left) poses with Tony.

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